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Among the many things a new mom of three has to try to figure out is how to adjust to getting out the door intact with all the kids (and herself of course). As any mother of a youngin would know, it is truly difficult to get out the door. There have been many, many, MANY things I’ve passed up because the mere thought of getting everything done freaked me out and made me utterly exhausted. But as any mother knows, staying at home endlessly can make you absolutely crazy. So, today I thought I would be a superb mom and take the kids to a local play place. So, I woke up and began the task of getting ready to leave. Breakfast for all three, clean up breakfast mess, dress my 2 and 3 year old, shoes and socks, hair done, teeth brushed, my newborn bathed and dressed, sippies made, diaper bag filled, beds made, and laundry started. Then I had to get ready, hair and make up, my clothes put on. And of course by that point, all of them had to go potty. So, a potty break, a new diaper for Levi. And of course (again) Levi would need a snack to last him to our destination. Jackets put on, Levi placed in his carseat, sippies tracked down, blankies found, car loaded up, seatbelts buckled, car started, DVD player started, and FINALLY off we went. I sighed a breath of accomplishment and started to think of how I was proud of myself. I had done all that by myself and only lost my cool a few times 🙂 I pulled out of the garage thinking that my first time out with all three kids by myself was probably going to go OK until I realized that my tire was flat as I tried to head up the drive way… Yea, all that work for NOTHING, Nada, Zilch, Zero….

I do have to be positive though and say I would MUCH rather have a flat tire in my own driveway then on the side of the road with 3 three screaming kids and a husband at work an hour away. Because I’m just going to admit, I am a girly girl and have never made the effort to learn to change a tire. And even if I had, I’m pretty sure this lady wouldn’t be doing it unless it was completely unavoidable! Yep, I think I got the better deal.

Maybe I will attempt another outing in the future who knows…

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