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I must say, my previous post explaining how excited I was that Noah was starting preschool was totally wrong…I cried all the way to the church to drop him off. At first I was ok. I was fine while getting him dressed, packing his bag, making his lunch, and getting him in the car. Then as I started to drive, I gazed into the mirror and watched him sitting in his car seat so much bigger than he was last year. I remembered when it was him inside my tummy long before this one. I reminisced on bringing him home from the hospital and giving him his first bath and cuddling with him as a newborn. All the memories of first steps, first words, first moments, flooded my mind… And when it hit, it sure hit hard. Tears started to flow and flow and flow and flow. I did my best to hold it together while dropping him off. He smiled at me and went running to his friends so I knew he would be fine, it was me that wasn’t fine. At some point I will be excited he is going (like I expected to be earlier this week) but at this point in the game, I am one emotional momma! WHY is it so hard watching them grow up? Why is it we want to keep them little and “belonging” to us as long as we can? UGH!

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