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I am going on my third baby but for some reason I am starting to get VERY anxious about labor! Now, being a third time mom I feel like I have a good grasp on how it’s going to be but a huge part of me realizes that EVERY labor is different and that freaks me out!!!! I am a planner. I want to know what’s going to happen, when it’s going to happen, how it’s going to happen, who it’s going to happen with, how long it’s going to take to happen….get the picture? This is way beyond my control and that just tears me up! I had two TOTALLY different labors, neither one of them were that bad, but still, they were totally different! Sooooooo, what do I expect? I have NO idea! I have many fears. For example, both my other babies were 5.12 and 5.13 but what if this one is a monster? What if it’s like 18 pounds and none of my newborn clothes fit it?? What if it’s so huge that that I go on the news for a record breaking newborn?!?! Second example, what if he comes tomorrow? I am only 29 wks but it could happen. What if I’m walking through Target and my water breaks? It only took 3 hours to have my daughter after my water broke, what if it breaks and he’s born in the car on the way to the hospital or in the middle of the store??? It could happen! Once again, I could be in the papers with the headline reading “Woman has baby on Target floor”….what is it with my issue with Target??? These are things you can’t predict! I seriously panic when I think about this stuff! For some reason, today this is what’s on my mind. AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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