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It’s been a little over a week that my husband has been back at work. Well, back working in an actual office, as in away from me…So, I have had pity parties for myself almost every day and have cried off and on while reminiscing over all the great things I had received from him working from home. I would think of how nice it was to wake up beside him, get up together and drink coffee while both sitting on the couch. He would work on his computer and I would gaze over at him and sigh in contentment. We would run to the store to help each other shop with the kids. It was wonderful to go to lunch either with the kids, as a family, or just the two of us while they were at PDO. The days the kids were gone we would sit together in the living room, cuddling on his lunch break and just be happy. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, maybe it wasn’t quite that peaceful. Maybe the kids ran wild quite often and it was hard for me to keep them quiet and for him to concentrate. There were times arguments started because I kept asking too many questions while he worked. There were times he wanted to throw all of us outside and lock the doors but come on, IT WAS NICE HIM BEING HOME! He would help me get the kids in and out of the car when I had to go somewhere. There was an extra pair of eyes keeping the kids out of trouble (when he wasn’t in full programming mode), an extra pair of hands to wipe booties or whatever. Bottom line, I enjoyed it!! And just like that, my world was swept out from under me because he got a job offer that was better that the previous…

You can not begin to know what kind of a test it was for me to handle this as the Godly, supportive wife I needed to be. OH, how I wanted to say, “Nope, sorry, that doesn’t work for me.” Not to brag (because I am fully aware I’ve had my pity parties and made it known how awful my life was going to become) but, I think I did an ok job doing the whole “supportive” thing. Now, my husband may have mixed emotions on how I could have handled it better, but, dang-it what stay-at-home mom doesn’t want some company throughout the day? Do you know how hard it’s going to be to go to Target when I have THREE kids 3 years old and younger? OMG, I want to cry just typing that thought! But, not too long ago I read a blog written by a girl I know who said you needed to “adjust to your reality”. I liked it. Those were some wise words! We’ve got to take off our cloth diapers and put our big girl panties on and just deal with things. I am just going to have to figure out a way to live with waking up to my husband gone and sitting on that dumb couch alone. I am going to have to learn to make coffee myself. And, I am just going to have to figure out how I’m going to go to that blessed store to get what I need with three kids. How am I going to fit them all in a buggy? I have no earthly idea but IT IS POSSIBLE! If Michelle Duggar can do it it with 19 kids, I can do it with 3 kids. I have to adjust to the reality of what my life has become. Bottom line!

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