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So I have been reading lately a lot about using wool as a waterproof diaper cover instead of some form of PUL. I am very excited from what I’ve read and wanted to share it with you guys! Let me begin by explaining how wool works.

Wool comes from sheep. Sheep naturally produce lanolin. When the two are mixed it repels water and is 100% breathable. However, even though wool acts as a waterproof cover, it actually absorbs moisture, up to 30%, on a microscopic level. It is truly incredible stuff. For centuries now, wool has been used to cover cloth diapers and has worked great.

In order to use wool, you have to prep it. It can not be washed like other diapers. It is SPECIAL! Yet, it is easy! You do not have to wash wool during every use. The natural lanolin in wool when on a sheep neutralizes urine. Bacteria can not grow on wool due to the lanolin because once mixed it produces a natural soap. How cool is all this?! The only care you truly need to give your wool is a hand washing every few weeks. Mostly if it gets poo poo on it, or it starts to smell strange. From what I am reading, it will never actually smell like a dirty diaper because of the lanolin. You really just need to wash it just to ”re-lanolize”.  My next post will have a “how to” on lanolizing 🙂

So, my journey will begin once the baby is here and I can’t wait. I ordered a cover called “longies”. They are pants that are made of wool. This is a fish pattern. This is the front.

This is the back.

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